Ameer al-Mo’meneen stated in a testament to his son, Imaam Hosayn, (or Mohammad Ibn Hanafeyyah according to other narrations):
Sunday, 10 April 2011
A man once asked Imaam Ja’far al-Saadiq:
((Why is it not possible for the Creator of the universe to be more than one? The Imaam replied: The fact that you claim God is two can be that they both have always been in existence and are powerful; or that they are both incapable; or that one is more powerful than the other. If both have the power, why does one not compete with the other so that He can be the only God? If one is powerful and the other is not, it is obvious that God is one and that is the Powerful One. As we witness the perfect organisation of the universe, the circulation of earth, the passing of day and night with the rising and setting of the sun and the moon, we have an absolute reason that its regulator is One.)).
With his delicate reasoning, Imaam Redhaa convinced a person, who believed in dualism, of the existence of the one God. The Imaam replied:
In our answer to them we say that God is unique and is not more than One, otherwise contention and conflict would arise between them, with one God’s wishes being different to the other, the universe would be in disarray thus disrupting its current order, an order so perfect and splendid that only gives proof of His Oneness.
The universal system is organised in such a continual manner that everything within it is dependent upon another – had there been no water plantation would not exist, without plants no animal could live and if plants and animals were non existent mankind could not dwell. Without the Sun no being could survive, without Air the existence of any creature would be impossible (be it man, animal or plantation), to such an extent that scientists state that the being of Mankind is totally dependent upon the delicate feathers of birds without which they would be unable to fly, thus allowing reptiles and insects to destroy plantation and crops, effecting dairies and consumables, hence Mankind could not survive... This skilful monotony is the work of no other but the One God.
Had another existed, it had to make evident its power, and since this is unknown to us, the universe therefore holds no second God. The holy Qor’aan says:
((Never did Allaah take to himself a son, and never was there with him any (other) god-in that case would each god have certainly taken away what he created, and some of them would certainly have overpowered others; glory be to Allaah above what they describe!)).
((If there had been in them any gods except Allaah, they would both have certainly been in a state of disorder; therefore glory be to Allaah, the lord of the dominion, above what they attribute (to him).)).
((Say: praise be to Allaah and peace on his servants whom he has chosen: is Allaah better, or what they associate (with him)?
Nay, he who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down for you water from the sky; then we cause to grow thereby beautiful gardens; it is not possible for you that you should make the trees thereof to grow. Is there a god with Allaah? Nay! They are people who deviate.
Or, who made the earth a resting place, and made in it rivers, and raised on it mountains, and placed between the two seas barrier. Is there a god with Allaah? Nay! Most of them do not know!
Or, who answers the distressed one when he calls up on him and removes the evil, and he will make you successors in the earth. Is there a god with Allaah? Little is it that you mind! Or, who guides you in utter darkness of the land and the sea, and who sends the winds as good news before his mercy. Is there a god with Allaah? Exalted by Allaah above what they associate (with him).
Does this massive universe hold one God, two, or more?
Some believe in two, others in three and there are those who believe that the universe has many Gods. The answer is very simple; and of course every Monotheist will say that God is One. Before we set out our reasons for the Oneness of God, let us first consider the claims of those who believe that there is more than one God.
The dualists claim that the Gods comprise Light and Darkness. We say that Darkness and Light are created, they cannot therefore be Gods, thus their claim is unacceptable.
The Christians claim that God is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. We say that Christ was a human being – humans themselves are created and cannot be Gods. The Holy Spirit, if it is meant as an Angel, cannot claim to be a God – what difference is there between this Angel and the others, and what is the justification for this particular Angel to have the title of God?!
The Idolaters take their idols as God and others worship animals – we ask if it is possible for a lifeless object with no capabilities of motion, or an animal that possesses no intellect which is even less inferior than a human, to be worthy of worship?
These frivolous beliefs, as far as intellectuals are concerned, are mythological and based on nothing but superstition. They hold no value for debate or discussion, and the Holy Qor’aan has briefly presented these opinions, showing what they include of superstitions and absurdities. Saying:
((Surely Allaah does not forgive that anything should be associated with him, and he forgives what is besides this to whom he pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allaah, he indeed strays off into a remote error.)).
((Say: O people! If you are in doubt as to my religion, then (know that) I do not serve those whom you serve besides Allaah, but I do serve Allaah, who will cause you to die, and I am commanded that I should be of the believers.)).
((And Allaah has said: take not two gods, he is only one god; so of me alone should you be afraid.)).
((Say: O followers of the book! Be not unduly immoderate in your religion, and do not follow the low desires of people who went astray before and led many astray and went astray from the right path.)).
“Certainly they disbelieve who say: surely, Allaah – he is the messiah, son of Maryam.)).”
((The messiah, son of Maryam is but an apostle; apostles before him have indeed passed away; and his mother was a truthful woman; they both used to eat food...)).”
Saturday, 9 April 2011
what the origin of God is.
Have you ever wondered why we do not possess the knowledge of everything?
And do you realise that our ignorance is far greater than our knowledge?
Have you ever heard that science comprises of 130 branches? Physiology is one, as is Chemistry; Mathematics is another, and Medicine, etc.... and that you (mankind) know only a little of this science? How often do you read that with the vast expansion of scientific knowledge and all its inventions, the scientists surrender to the glory of the universe and confess that their inventions are nothing compared to all that lies undiscovered, and that the World is full of science and its hidden secrets?
Have you also read that the scientists, with all their inquisition and greed (for discovery), cannot explain the nature of Soul which inhabits our bodies? Have you heard that Mind in this respect is the same as Soul?
Putting aside Mind and Soul, do you know that nobody has as yet discovered what electricity is? It enlightens our homes and performs numerous functions. Although we know how it is produced, as the scientists state, its effects are visible but its source of origin remains unknown.
As we have not discovered the nature of our Mind and Soul, which accompany us throughout our life, or that of electricity of which we take full advantage, how is it therefore permissible to ask about the “nature of God?”
The nature of God is unknown to us! Man’s intellect is too inferior to apprehend the nature of God! We believe and confess to its existence because we see its signs and creations, in the same way that we are certain of electricity, but to understand the nature of God is impossible.
Do you realise that no matter how sharp our sight is, it cannot see microbes, it cannot see objects from too far a distance or, in fact, at too close a proximity, nor is it capable of seeing in the dark. Mind bears some similarity to sight, the difference being that sight detects, within its limits, palpable objects whereas Mind, within its limits, detects rationality. We cannot therefore deny the existence of an object just because it happens to be out of our sight, in the same way that it would be illogical to deny the existence of God just because our intellect cannot comprehend its nature.
Looking at a building we are certain that it has a builder, although we do not see him; when we see some footprints we know that someone has walked the same track although we never see him. Creation likewise, is proof of the existence of our Creator.
A man asked Imaam Ja’far al-Saadiq:
((What proof can you give me that a creator for this universe exists?” The Imaam replied: “The creation is itself proof that a creator exists – do you not glance at a building and are certain that it has a builder, even though you have never seen him, nor have you witnessed its construction?)).
Abu Abdullah Daysaani once asked Imaam Ja’far al-Saadiq:
((Show me my Maker! The Imaam pointed to an egg and replied: This egg has a hard shell, beneath which is a thin layer and beneath this layer is a substance of silver and of golden colour – from a similar egg emerges different kinds of peacocks, all with various magnificent colours – do you see a designer for this product?
Holy Qor’aan
The holy Qor’aan refers to the creation in these noble verses:
((Most surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that run in the sea with that which profits men, and the water that Allaah sends down from the sky, then gives life with it to the earth after its death, and spreads in it all (kinds of) animals, and the changing of the winds and the clouds made subservient between the heaven and the earth, there are signs for a people who understand.)).
((Allaah is he who raised the heavens without any pillars that you see, and he is firm in power and he made the sun and the moon subservient (to you); each one pursues its course to an appointed time; he regulates the affair, making clear the signs that you may be certain of meeting your lord.
And he it is who spread the earth and made in it firm mountains and rivers, and of all fruits he has made in it two kinds; he makes the night cover the day; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.
And in the earth there are tracts side by side and gardens of grapes and corn and palm trees having one root and (others) having distinct roots – they are watered with one water, and we make some of them excel others in fruit; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand.)).
((Allaah is he who created the heavens and the earth and sent down water from the sky, then brought forth with it fruits as a sustenance for you, and he has made the ships subservient to you, that they might run their course in the see by his command, and he has made the rivers subservient to you.
One question that arises in the minds of most people, in particular of the younger generation, is that whether the Believers who claim that there is a God are actually speaking the truth, or whether their belief is nothing but a delusion which mankind inherited from the feeble imaginations of the pre-civilisation era.
Although the assimilation of God has been made more difficult by the Monotheists through their philosophical arguments, and by the Atheists through their corruptive and paralogical languages, the answer to this question is, in fact, very simple:
A building cannot be erected without a builder. All that is in creation could not have originated without a creator; even the small hand on a clock, however small, must have a maker. Thus, imagine the entire universe with all its grandeur that embraces the dazzling sun, the moon, the sky and the rain, the earth and the plants, its humans and creatures. They all posses a complete and organised system. Nothing can alter this system. Is it therefore conceivable to claim that the universe existed just by itself and that it had no organiser? Not ever! Never can there be a system without a regulator; no motion is without a mover; no creation exists without its creator.
In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent the Merciful.
All praise is due to Allaah the Almighty.
Allaah’s peace and greetings be upon the most noble human and greatest creation Mohammad, and upon his oppressed and Ma’ssom descendants.
Islamic beliefs for all
In this book the author discusses the five fundamental principles of Islam. These principles are Tawheed (the invisible oneness of God), Divine justice, Prophethood, Imaamah (the leadership of mankind after the prophet), and Resurrection. What distinguish this book are the author’s subtle approach in addressing the issues concerned and the simple examples given to illustrate the discussion. This authoritative work is not only important to Muslims, but it would also be of interest to the non-Muslims who seek to explore Islam and its doctrine. This easy to read book would be a valuable reference for Religious Education.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
DOOOOOO it! How brutish is that question? The goodness of God leads you to repentance! No forgive w/out repent!
Pride owns me? Yet you say you’re better than everyone else? UrLie=STRAWMAN UrDuty=Obey God IfNotUgo2Hell
Messy Updos- Boho Braids
One of the hottest trends this summer will be the very cute, very elegant and easy to do, boho braids. A boho braid is a side swept single braid that gives your coif a little edge. Boho braids work on anyone with medium to long hair. It doesn’t work that well on short hair because the braid needs to be swept across to one side and go behind the ear.
A boho braid can be included in any messy updos, including natural, soft waves, or just a messy bun. To get the messy updo with the boho braid, start by spritzing your hair with a shine enhancer after you’ve washed it.
Get a dime-sized amount of gel or mousse and scrunch your hair with your hands. Flip your hair over for even more volume, and blow dry.
Take a 2-4 inch piece of hair right at the front (see picture) and braid it across to the other side. Make sure you braid it all the way to the end. Pin the braid behind the ear, and you’re all set. Boho braids are great for the summer because they keep the hair out of your face, as well as giving you a chic and elegant do that you can wear anytime during the day.
How to Determine Your Face Shape
Almost everything you read in a magazine or anywhere else, asks you to determine your face shape in order to determine which hair style looks good on you, which colours, etc. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out my face shape no matter how hard I tried! I wasn’t sure if it was oval or diamond shaped, so I decided to figure out exactly what each face shape entitled. So here is a little glossary on the different type of face shapes. Hope it helps!
Oval Face Shape
Curvilinear shape. Length is equal to one and a half times width, with forehead and jaw the same width. So think of the oval face shape as an egg.
Round face shape
Circular shaped. Length is approx equal to width.
Oblong face shape
Face is longer than it is wide with a long straight cheek line.
Square face shape
Strong and broad forehead with angular jaw.
Heart face shape
Wide at the forehead and cheekbones, narrow at the jawline.
Diamond face shape
Forehead and jawline are narrow with wide and high cheekbones.
Triangular face shape
Forehead and cheekbones are narrow with a wide jawline.
How to Grow Out Your Bangs
So you got bangs, but now you’re kinda sick of them right? Well you might be thinking: “Great! Now I have to wait months and months for them to grow out!” Not true! There are actually specific things you can do to grow out your bangs faster than you even thought! Plus, bangs are so last season! Celebs are now trading in their bangs for loose updos and longer, side-swept bangs. Here’s how!
Buy a stretchy hairband. Getting a chic, fashionable hairband is a great idea because it can be worn at any stage of the regrowth process. Put it right at your hairline, or push it back a little further to grab and hold any strays.
Use hairspray. Using hairspray will keep your bangs back as well as any flyaways. So if you’re sick of having them in your face, use some bobby pins to pin back the hair and follow up with some hairspray.
Do different parts. You can always experiment with different parts, which is probably the best way to grow out your bangs. You can divide your bangs right down the middle and use bobby pins to make them stay put, or use some gel to slick them straight back off the forehead for a chic, no-part look.
Get a Messy Bun
Sexy, messy buns are extremely hot right now, and so easy to pull off. Perfect for bad hair days, lazy days, and pretty much any day you want! They look great during the day, at night, at work, school, whatever you want! Here’s how to pull off a messy bun.
Start off by sweeping the front part of your hair to one side as to create a fuller crown area. Use your fingers along with a paddle brush to direct both sides to the back of the head.
Gather your hair into a loose pony and secure with an ouchless elastic (sides and back). The base of the pony should rest in the middle of the back of the head. Push your pony up slightly to create fullness at the top of your head. Add some hairspray.
Separate the pony into one inch sections, curling each section loosely. You don’t have to do this very carefully, as it is a messy bun, and you just want to get some waves. Holding the curler for about 3 seconds should be enough, depending on the hair thickness.
After each section is curled, use a bobby pin to secure the curl loosely against your scalp. When pinning the curls, make sure that you pin some at the top as to form an even and balanced shape.
How to Wear Jeggings
With the return of super skinny jeans and leggings this past couple of years, it’s no wonder the jeggings were invented. Jeggings are basically extremely skinny jeans that look like leggings and are also worn like leggings.
I have to say that in the beginning I was not a fan of the skinny jean or the legging, but as time went on, I came to embrace both, and now, it seems like I can’t even wear any other types of jeans but skinny. The problem with these slim types of bottoms is that they’re hard to dress. And jeggings especially, can be a little tricky.
A Few Thumb Rules
First off, make sure jeggings suit your body type. If you don’t feel comfortable in them, don’t wear them – no one’s going to shun you for it!! Second, pick a dark pair that will go with everything from a basic tank to a sweater dress. Also, black slims you down so that’s always a plus. If you’re on the short side, you may want to get a petite pair as a regular pair of jeggings might run a little too long, and there’s nothing worse than 2 feet of bunched up jeans at the bottom.
So What Exactly Can You Wear Jeggings With?
Jeggings are actually quite versatile, and I feel they do a better job than skinny jeans or leggings would. Because they’re still denim material, you don’t have to cover your butt, but they’re so slim and skin-tight like leggings that you can wear a long sweater or tee, a dress, or just throw a long cardigan over.
Must-Have Trend: The Motorcycle Jacket
Biker Jacket Belanciaga
If there’s one trend you cannot ignore this upcoming spring it’s gotta be the motorcycle jacket. Not only is this piece very trendy, but it’s also extremely versatile, badass, and just really fun to wear.
Motorcycle jackets have actually made a huge comeback from the 80s but with a much more modern twist. They’re very tailored, so they look great on everyone...just as long as you get one that fits you properly. Here are some things to look out for when buying a motorcycle jacket:
1. The fit – make sure it’s not too tight and not too lose. One sure-way is to look at the shoulders...if they’re too low, then the jacket is too big. And if the cut is too high then the jacket is too small.
2. Motorcycle jackets look best when they sit at the hip or even a little higher.
3. Studs, zippers, and little embellishments are a must for a biker jacket.
But one of the things I love most about motorcycle jackets is that they are very easy to wear. Just throw it on to almost any outfit, and your look is instantly transformed (plus it doesn’t hurt to feel like you can actually kick some ass with this jacket on!).
5 Tips for Growing Your Nails
If you’re one of those people who think that your nails just don’t grow no matter what...think again! There is actually an exact science, or formula if you will, to getting your nails to grow longer, stronger, and healthier. Just follow these 5 tips and within just a week or two, you’ll start seeing your nails growing longer and staying strong too!
1. Don’t Bite!
I’m sure we all know this...but biting your nails is a big no no. If you want to have beautiful, long nails just keep the biting at bay. Instead, carry a nail file in your bag so that whenever you do have a snag, you can just file away instead of biting!
2. Don’t Overbuff
It’s a smart idea to use a 4-sided nail buffer, but just make sure you don’t use it more than twice a week. Buffing your nails too often can chip away at the nail, making it brittle and weak. Instead, just stick to doing your manicure once a week to keep your nails strong and healthy.
3. Apply Lotion Often
One of the greatest beauty tips I’ve ever gotten was from an old co-worker of mine who told me that in order for my nails to grow long, I have to constantly use lotion on my hands. I thought it was a little weird at first, but it actually worked. Just apply hand lotion as often as you can, and start seeing your nails grow stronger and longer.
4. File Your Nails
Another great trick is to gently file your nails once a day. Filing your nails keeps them nice and levelled, and it also prevents breakage and snags. That, combined with the above 3 tips is a sure way to grow your nails.
5. Use a Strengthening Polish
Sally Hansen makes some of the best strengthening top coats, so pick one up and use it every time you do your nails. Even if you’re not applying a polish, you can still just use it as a strengthener/clear polish. To maximize the benefits and ensure your polish stays on longer without chipping, apply the top coat every other day.
5 Tips for Healthy, Shiny Hair
Healthy Hair
Great hair doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You don’t need to spend money on expensive high-end products, or even go to the salon every month. All it takes is a little TLC to get your hair back to its natural health and shine.
Tip #1
Preventive Care: Don’t let your hair be a victim to the environment. Protect it by deep conditioning once a week or using a hair mask. This will fortify your strands, making them much healthier and easier to manage. So treat your hair to some spa time every week and within a month, you’ll definitely see a difference!
Tip #2
Skip the Heat: I cannot tell you how important it is that you skip the blowdrier/straightener/curler as much as possible! On your days off where you’re not leaving the house for example, why not let your hair air dry to its natural state? The more heat you put on your hair, the more you dry out the strands, leaving your hair weak, brittle, and not very healthy. If you must blowdry every day, make sure you do it at the lowest heat setting possible. Yes, it does take a little longer, but especially for those with thin hair like mine, it can make a world of difference! Also, don’t forget that ceramic irons are much more gentler on your hair than non-ceramic ones, so be sure you use the best kind.
Tip #3
Don’t rub! After getting out of the shower, PAT your hair dry and then wrap it in a towel. But under no circumstance should you rub your hair dry since that causes breakage which will eventually lead to split ends.
Tip #4
Brush With Care: The way you brush your hair is very crucial to its health. Never pull on it too hard – you’ll end up pulling out strands! If your hair gets easily tangled, brush it slowly and with care starting at the ends and working your way up – especially if your hair is wet.
Tip #5
Skip a Day: One of the best advices I was given by my hairdresser was to not wash my hair every day. Sure, it may sound a little gross, but washing your hair every single day strips it of its natural oils, which leaves your hair dry and brittle. Instead, wash your hair every other day to retain essential oils.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
“GOD HATES FAGS” – though elliptical – is a profound theological statement, which the world needs to hear more than it needs oxygen, water and bread.
1. the absolute sovereignty of “GOD” in all matters whatsoever (e.g., Jeremiah 32:17, Isaiah 45:7, Amos 3:6, Proverbs 16:4, Matthew 19:26, Romans 9:11-24, Romans 11:33-36, etc.),
2. the doctrine of reprobation or God’s “HATE” involving eternal retribution or the everlasting punishment of most of mankind in Hell forever (e.g., Leviticus 20:13,23, Psalm 5:5, Psalm 11:5, Malachi 1:1-3, Romans 9:11-13, Matthew 7:13,23, John 12:39-40, 1 Peter 2:8, Jude 4, Revelation 13:8, 20:15, 21:27, etc.), and
Compendium of Bible Truth on Fags (first published in 1991)
Sodomites are wicked & sinners before the Lord exceedingly (Gen.13:13), are violent & doom nations (Gen. 19:1-25; Jgs. 19), are abominable to God (Lev. 18:22), are worthy of death for their vile sex practices (Lev. 20:13; Rom. 1:32), are called dogs as filthy, impudent & libidinous (Deut. 23:17,18; Mat. 7:6;Phil. 3:2), produce in society mass intoxication from their wine made from grapes of gall from the vine of Sodom & fields of Gomorrah, poisoning society's mores with the poison of dragons & the cruel venom of asps (Deut. 32:32,33), show their sin & shame on their countenance (Isa. 3:9), are shameless & unable to blush (Jer. 6:15), workers of iniquity (Psa. 5:5), liars & murderers (Jn. 8:44), filthy & lawless (2 Pet. 2:7,8), natural brute beasts (2 Pet. 2:12), are likened unto dogs eating their own vomit, sows wallowing in their own feces (2 Pet. 2:22), will proliferate at the end of the world bringing final judgment on mankind (Lk. 17:28-30), have been finally given up by God to uncleanness to dishonor their own bodies, to vile affections, & to a reprobate mind such that they cannot think straight about anything (Rom. 1:23-28); and, unable to blush, be ashamed, or repent (Jer. 6:15), they have no hope of Heaven (Rev. 22:15). "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Heb. 10:31.
The only lawful sexual connection is the marriage bed. All other sex activity is whoremongery and adultery, which will damn the soul forever in Hell. Heb. 13:4. Decadent, depraved, degenerate and debauched America, having bought the lie that It’s OK to be gay, has thereby changed the truth of God into a lie, and now worships and serves the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen! Rom. 1:25. But the Word of God abides. Better to be a eunuch if the will of God be so, and make sure of Heaven. Mat. 19:12. Better to be blind or lame, than to be cast into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. Mk. 9:43-48. Abstain, you fools.
The USA is doomed
The United States of America is a corrupt and damned country full of filthy perverts fornicators adulterers and sodomites. This country has crossed the line of no return. You people of the US of A are sick slimy perverts and your destruction is coming. You are completely godless and utterly Bible dumb.
What you also are is proud. You are proud sinners and you have no shame. You want to get your hands on as much sin as possible and fill your days completely. Your faces do not turn red and you have no moral compass whatsoever. Pride is what you do have plenty of and that is what will send you to Hell for eternity.
Wake up America. You need to repent today. If you care just an ounce about your undying soul you would pick up the Bible and start reading it. You better be quick too. Time is running out. Devastating things are going to be happening to you guys over there and I am talking about some serious awesomeness. Wow.
American Idol will take you to Hell
American Idol is such a classic example of what the youth in this generation is over their celebrities. Idol worshiping freaks! You love those celebrities. You literally worship them. You want to be like them you want to act like them you want to have the same things as them. It is truly just so funny and amusing.
Of course on American Idol we get to see you freaks at your best. I love how the show is named American Idol. Get it. Idol! That is exactly what you do. You idolize these singers and celebrities and so you want to be them. Well here is a news flash for you. You should not be doing any idolizing but obeying your God.
You worship those famous people that you have grown oh so attached to more than you believe in God. Nothing should come between God and you and here you have all of these crazy people doing all sorts of things. You also have those people who want to go ahead and get plastic surgery to look like a celebrity.
Lily Allen is a whore
Lily Allen is just another disobedient whore to the Lord her God. She hates God and she does not believe God. Anyone who follows or wants to follow Lily also wants to go against God and His word. She is a perfect example of how a slut looks and acts and is perfect for this generation. Stupid and just will not obey.
She lost her baby because God decided to take away that child from her. She is a nasty pig and that child is better off without her. God has punished her for her rebellion and will continue to do so yet she still seems unable to see her vile manner of life. She deserves it. Our Father is so powerful and curses the rebels.
Do not go the way of Lily. Do not want to be a slut. There is nothing to be gained in these things and you are only working against your own best interest. Look at Lily Allen’s life. Is it that of a happy one? Errr... can we say no. Repent of your sins and bring God into your life. He created you and you should obey.
God hates queers
God hates queers =) Remember that now.
Japan you are going down
Japan you are a filthy disobedient group of people. God despises your nation and hates everything about it. You forgot about the God that created you and curse Him daily. Turn back to your God and ask forgiveness. You pigs are going down big time. With everything that has been going on I just think it’s amazing.
The Japanese are vile idol worshipping fools. You worship a fat potbellied man called Buddha. He cannot help you fools so forget about that silly statue. Obey the Lord your God to take His wrath away from you. The fat man that you all love to bow down to could not give a zilch about your sorry disgusting selves.
I hope Japan gets more earthquakes more tsunamis and more dead people. You rebels who refuse to believe in God and obey His commandments have got more coming your way. More and worse! Take heed of these words now and turn to God. You’ll be happy you did trust me. God is your only chance of hope Japan.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Two-year wait before CJD alert
Thirty eight patients may have been at risk of contracting CJD during surgery in south Wales
Health chiefs have admitted they waited two years to contact 38 patients who are at risk of contracting Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) after surgery.
Officials at Abertawe Bro Morganwg University Health Board (ABMU) discovered a patient was at “high risk” of developing the incurable brain condition in 2009 after surgery in 2007.
The instruments used in the operation were later deployed in a series of other surgical procedures, with doctors saying it was possible proteins which cause CJD were not killed by being sterilised.
Public Health Wales (PHW) said those affected were at “extremely low risk”, but confirmed it had only posted letters to them last Saturday, after it conducted an internal investigation.
Jorg Hoffman, consultant in communicable disease control, said there had only been six cases worldwide of any form of CJD being transmitted via surgery.
He said: “In this incident we do not have a single confirmed case of CJD. However, we do have one patient who was at high risk and 38 people at extremely low risk. We know all the surgical instruments used on this group of patients were cleaned, disinfected and sterilised normally. However, it is possible that the proteins which cause CJD, known as prions, survived these routine sterilisation procedures so an extremely small risk of transmission remains.”
The original operation involving the “index case” occurred in 2007 at one of ABMU’s four main hospitals in South Wales – Singleton and Morriston in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend.
Once the high risk of the patient was identified in 2009 – before another operation – PHW contacted the UK CJD incidents panel made up of experts from around the UK.
Health officials then investigated what instruments had been used in the original operation and their subsequent usage. It was in February this year that the panel said the health board should contact the 38 patients involved.
Carey in hospital on birthday
Carey taken to hospital on birthday
Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon are expecting twins
Mariah Carey almost ended up sharing her birthday with her twins, after she was rushed to hospital.
The superstar singer, who celebrated her birthday on March 27, was taken to hospital after her contractions kicked in.
“So dem babies really wanted 2 celebrate w/us/share the anniversary! I started having contractions last night. Went 2 the hospital,” she wrote on her Twitter page.
But it turned out to be a false alarm.
“Finally they said I could come home after they got it under control. They almost came on 3/27 – happy anniversary indeed!!! We have a few more weeks 2 go but – wow!!!” Mariah added.
Her entertainer husband Nick Cannon previously tweeted about how he has to “man up” for the forthcoming birth.
“I am probably going to faint in the delivery room! I need to man up! Or maybe I should say WOMAN UP since they are the ones that have to be the strongest in the whole ordeal,” he wrote.
Gaga gets rude birthday present
Lady Gaga gets a raunchy birthday present
Lady Gaga has an interview with an American T.V host walking along the Thames river in London. The popstar was seen wearing a lace cat suit displaying her underwear.
Pop superstar Lady Gaga was reportedly given a custom-made sex doll at her birthday party yesterday.
Gaga, real name Stefani Germanotta, celebrated turning 25 with her good friends and family – including her boyfriend Luc Carl, Adam Lambert and Kate Hudson at Los Angeles’s LA Cita Mexican restaurant – and was given several saucy gifts.
A source told British newspaper the Daily Mirror: “Gaga got diamonds from one anonymous guest while another had a sex doll made for her – its piece de resistance was a huge penis.”
The insider added: “Gaga, who treated her tequila-swigging guests to a tipsy rendition of Born This Way backed by the restaurant band, was on serious form.
“Adam Lambert got a little over-excited while dancing and bashed his head on the ceiling. And Gaga’s mum Cynthia looked red-faced at times – she kept muttering, ‘Stefani!’ under her breath.”
Clooney called to Berlusconi trial
Lawyers for Silvio Berlusconi want to call George Clooney as a witness
Silvio Berlusconi’s defence lawyers want George Clooney and his Italian girlfriend to testify at the premier’s forthcoming prostitution trial.
Mr Berlusconi is accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old Moroccan girl and using his influence to try to cover it up. He denies any wrongdoing.
The trial opens on April 6 in Milan. On Tuesday, prosecutors and defence lawyers presented their lists of witnesses to the court. A judge must now decide which witnesses to admit.
The law firm representing Mr Berlusconi said Clooney was listed because the Moroccan teenager once said she had seen the US film star and girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis at one of the Italian prime minister’s parties.
Ms Canalis has reportedly denied attending.
Japan radioactivity found in UK
Radioactive iodine detected in the UK is believed to be from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan (AP/Kyodo News)
Extremely low levels of radioactive iodine from the tsunami-hit Japanese nuclear plant have been detected in parts of the UK.
A statement from the Health Protection Agency said the “minutest traces of iodine” were being seen in the UK, with low levels detected at monitoring stations in Oxfordshire and Glasgow
The agency said there was no public health risk posed by the iodine, as the radiation dose received from inhaling air with the levels recorded in the past few days would be minuscule and much less than the annual background dose.
While levels may rise in the coming days and weeks, they will be “significantly below any level which could cause harm to public health”, the HPA said.
The statement comes after the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) said an air sampler in Glasgow had picked up iodine particles which they believe could be from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.
The HPA said that trace levels of the radioactive chemical iodine-131 had been detected by measurements taken at a monitoring station in Oxfordshire on Monday. The measurements followed reports of iodine at monitoring stations in Glasgow and Oxfordshire.
Dr James Gemmill, Sepa’s radioactive substances manager, said: “The concentration of iodine detected is extremely low and is not of concern for the public or the environment. The fact that such a low concentration of this radionuclide was detected demonstrates how effective the surveillance programme for radioactive substances is in the UK.
“Sepa has an ongoing comprehensive monitoring programme for radioactivity in Scotland and has increased the level of scrutiny to provide ongoing public assurance during this period.”
Engineers have been struggling to bring the Fukushima plant under control since it was hit by the earthquake and tsunami which devastated north east Japan more than two weeks ago.
Man scales tallest building
‘Spiderman’ proves a world-beater
Alain Robert in front of Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (AP)
A French skyscraper climber has successfully scaled the world’s tallest building, even navigating the tapered spire that extends beyond the top floors of the Dubai structure.
Alain Robert’s climb up the 2,717ft (828m) Burj Khalifa, took just over six hours. As night fell, a row of powerful spotlights shone on the side of the tower as Robert climbed.
Unlike on many previous climbs, the 48-year-old daredevil who calls himself “Spiderman” used a rope and harness to comply with organisers’ requirements in the Gulf sheikhdom that opened the tapering metal and glass tower in January last year. An ambulance, with a stretcher at the ready, was parked alongside other emergency vehicles at the Burj’s base.
Robert has climbed more than 70 skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building, Chicago’s Willis Tower and the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, according to his website. He conquered Taiwan’s Taipei 101, which before the Burj was the world’s tallest building, in 2004.
The tower’s owner, Emaar Properties, said the half-mile-high Burj Khalifa has 160 habitable stories. An observation deck is located on the 124th floor.
Viewed from the ground, Robert appeared as a tiny dot difficult to follow in the darkness.
Emaar called Robert’s climb a “momentous” event and said the climber “scaled the exterior of the tower in a record-clinching feat”.
Hours before the climb, Robert said he hoped to go all the way to the top, but acknowledged it would be difficult to go past about 700 meters freehand without the aid of additional equipment, because of the spire’s tapered design.
In the end, he scrambled up the spire quickly and hung triumphantly from the top.
Hundreds of spectators, their necks craned, crowded plazas outside shopping centres and restaurants at the tower’s sprawling base.
Gary ‘on brink of X Factor deal’
Gary Barlow ‘days away’ from signing X Factor deal
Birthday boy and Take That singer, Gary Barlow leaving BBC Radio Two studios after appearing on the Chris Evans Breakfast show to promote his forthcoming 40th birthday concert in London, UK.
Gary Barlow is reportedly set to sign on as a judge for the UK X Factor any day now.
The 40-year-old Take That star is said to have been offered a contract worth £2million and according to Star magazine is just ‘days away’ from sealing the deal with the show’s chief Simon Cowell.
A source told Star, “Gary let it be known that he was definitely interested. The show’s bosses are really keen on Gary – they know he is highly knowledgeable about music, and probably more reliable than Robbie [Williams].
“Simon [Cowell] really respects Gary – as far as Simon is concerned, he is the perfect person to mentor the groups – not only because of his experience within the industry but because he knows both sides of fame.”
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