Friday 14 January 2011

A letter from me to myself.

My closest friend,

I know you for as long as I can recall and today I am taking the liberty of writing this letter to you as I hope it will bring happiness and ease for both of us.

My friend, in my view, you are not responding to the world around you but to the images in your brain. You project those images on the people and situations around you and start fighting with them. Sadly, you are a prisoner of your own mind. You are fighting with the projections of the ghosts in your brain and that’s why your fight never ends, you always have enemies and you always have painful situations in your experience. And trust me my friend, you are not alone, unfortunately, many of us do this but to a variable extent.

Perhaps, going into your mind, meeting those ghosts, sitting with them, listening to them, loving them and then making peace with them can change all the reality for you. You would be able to see colours and beauty, flowers and sky, peace and contentment which is every where, every where.
With lots and lots of love,
Your sincere friend.

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